It’s almost that gift-giving time of year, and what could make a better present than a book? Books always make up the majority of my wish list, so I figured I would share with you some of the books I’d love to receive this year:

- Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater—This is the third book in Stiefvater’s latest series, The Raven Cycle, about a band of four boys and a girl in search of an ancient Welsh king. The series also features magic, cars, psychics, dreams, a kissing curse, and my favorite creepy corvid creatures. I bought the first two books last month and devoured them instantly, so now I’m desperate to find out what happens next. Bonus present: Maggie Stiefvater designed her own beautiful deck of tarot cards to go with this series, which would make a perfect companion gift to go along with this book…just saying.
- The Sandman: Overture by Neil Gaiman—One of my favorite gothic authors has recently returned to the series that decades ago made him a household name among goths and comic-lovers alike. Overture was released earlier this month, and is a prequel to his epic Sandman series about the god of dreams. Though I’ve only read the first few volumes of the original series, I’m excited to see Gaiman’s latest addition!
- Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness—This is the second book in Harkness’s All Souls Trilogy. I recently finished the first book, A Discovery of Witches, and will have a review up on the site very soon! The series is a paranormal romance for adults, set in a world of vampires, witches, and demons.
- Drawing Blood by Molly Crabapple—This memoir of the artist/journalist, activist Molly Crabapple comes out December 1st, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it! I’m mostly familiar with Crabapple through her art, which expresses her bold style with a hint of darkness—her signature technique being colorful blood-like ink splatters. The memoir will feature pieces of her artwork along with accounts of her adventures in politics, activism, and art.
- Isabel Burning by Donna Lynch—The lead singer of the darkwave/industrial rock band Ego Likeness has been publishing novels and collections of her poetry for years. I’ve only recently started to get really into the band however, and just found out about Lynch’s published works. I adore her visual and singing style, so I’d love to see what she can do with the written word—especially in the form of a deeply psychological horror novel.
This is what I’ve got on my wish list, so far. Unfortunately, many of the books I’m excited about don’t come out until later in the year. What’s on your wish list? Do you have any recommendations for what I should add to mine? Let me know in the comments!
Damn, everyone and their mother is talking about the Raven Cycle! I need to get on this! It’s everyone’s low-key obsession!
— Harper
Yo, you seriously do. Personally, I think everything Maggie Stiefvater writes is gold, but this is her most popular series yet. You should also check out the first book I ever read by her: The Scorpio Races. It gets no credit, but I think it’s still my favorite thing she’s written. It’s a standalone YA about carnivorous ocean horses.