It snuck up on me this year, but apparently it’s time for another Bloggiesta! Spring Bloggiesta is a week-long blogging marathon hosted by From today (Monday, March 20) until Sunday March 26, bloggers around the internet will come together to support and inspire each other while working on bettering their own blogs. I always find Bloggiesta events to be a helpful reminder for me to take care of long-term blog-related goals and to get some great advice from more experienced bloggers. Continue reading Bloggiesta To Do List: Spring 2017
Tag: bloggiesta
Bloggiesta To Do List: Fall 2016
This is a little last minute, but I’m hoping to hop on the Bloggiesta train once again. Bloggiesta is a regularly occurring blogging marathon in which a bunch of bloggers band together to challenge and support each other as we each work on improving our blogs, and it’s starting RIGHT NOW! The Fall Bloggiesta 2016 runs from today (Thursday, September 15th) until Sunday, September 18th. You can learn more on the Bloggiesta website.

To Do List
- Post reviews since last Bloggiesta on Goodreads and Amazon with links back to the blog
- Revisit the Bookish Mastermind Group I joined last time and try to get that going again.
- Plan out some Halloween posts
- Comment on at least one other blog participating in Bloggiesta
- Update my spreadsheet of book review requests
Are you participating in Bloggiesta? What are your goals? How is it going so far? Let me know in the comments!
Bloggiesta To Do List: Spring 2016
Earlier this year, I participated in my very first Bloggiesta event—the Winter 2016 Mini-Bloggiesta. For those who don’t know, Bloggiesta is blogging marathon in which a bunch of bloggers band together to challenge and support each other as we each work on improving our blogs. This whole week, starting today and going until Sunday, March 27, is a week-long Bloggiesta event. You can learn more at the Bloggiesta website.
Last Bloggiesta I got a lot done: I got to know a bunch of other bloggers, participated in some twitter chats and mini challenges, linked to my reviews on other websites, rearranged parts of my blog design, and started to actually plan out my blog posts in advance! I’m not going to be particularly ambitious with this Bloggiesta because it’s hard to do blog things during the week when I work full time, and I’ve been really struggling with time management lately. That said, I’m going to try to set myself a few reasonable goals.
To Do List:
- Participate in The Novel Life‘s Bookish Mastermind Group mini-challenge
- Back up my blog posts! (Farm Lane Books Blog has an old “Backing Up Your Blog” mini-challenge that I intend to check out.)
- Leave at least 3 comments on posts by other bloggers
- Participate in at least one twitter chat (and try to read through a few of the others after the fact)
- Plan out my blog posts for April
- Add links to Goodreads and Amazon for reviews I’ve done since last Bloggiesta
Are you participating in Bloggiesta? Have you done it in the past? What are your goals? Let me know in the comments!
Bloggiesta To Do List: Winter 2016
I’m very excited to be participating in a Bloggiesta event for the first time! For those who don’t know, Bloggiesta is blogging marathon in which a bunch of bloggers band together to challenge and support each other as we each work on improving our blogs. This coming weekend (Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th) is the yearly winter mini Bloggiesta! You can find out more at the Bloggiesta website.
On New Year’s Day, I posed a list of broad goals I’d like to accomplish with this blog over the coming year. But today I’d like to share my to do list of concrete tasks to accomplish this weekend in order to get going down the right path.
To Do List:
- Leave at least 5 comments on posts by other bloggers
- Participate in the Bloggiesta twitter chat on Sunday at 2pm Eastern
- Do a Bloggiesta mini challenge
- Post reviews on Goodreads and Amazon with links back to the blog
- Sort through my genre categories
- Plan out my next 3-5 posts
- Evaluate my sidebar, and rearrange if necessary
Are you participating in Bloggiesta? Have you done it in the past? Let me know in the comments!