This past weekend I attended “‘My Wild Heart Bleeds’: 150 Years of Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla,” an online conference organized by Romancing the Gothic. If you’ve been following my blog, you may have seen me mention Romancing the Gothic (RtG) in some of my book reviews and year-end wrap-ups over the past couple of years. RtG is an online education project that was started by Dr. Sam Hirst at the beginning of the pandemic and brings together scholars and enthusiasts alike from all over the world to share our love for and deepen our understanding of Gothic, romance, and horror literature and other media. RtG offers free weekly lectures and book club meetings over Zoom, and last year they organized their first academic conference: “‘My Poor Devil’: Georgette Heyer’s The Black Moth at 100.” This year, our conference was themed around another literary milestone—the 150th anniversary of the publication of the vampire novella Carmilla.

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