Books I’m Excited for in 2020

It’s a new year and you know what that means—new books! With 2019 over, it’s time to start planning out my fresh reads for 2020. There are so many great books releasing this year that I had a hard time narrowing it down to a simple list. But here are a few of the books that I’m most excited about adding to my TBR pile: Continue reading Books I’m Excited for in 2020

My 2019 Reading Challenge Recap

Let’s look back at my year of books! Every year I participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge, setting myself a numerical goal of books to read, as well as some more abstract goals. This year I set myself an easily attainable numerical goal, though I did end up losing sight of some of my larger objectives.

Continue reading My 2019 Reading Challenge Recap

Books I’m Excited for in 2019

New year, new books! It’s time to continue my annual tradition of taking stock of books being released in the coming year. What better way to spend New Year’s Eve than refining my TBR pile? Here are a few of the books that I am most excited for: Continue reading Books I’m Excited for in 2019

My 2018 Reading Challenge Recap

It’s time for my annual recap! Each year in January, I set a goal for the number of books that I want to read over the next twelve months as part of the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I learned my lesson last year about being too ambitious with my numerical goal, and set my sights a little lower. But it looks like this year I might still fall just a bit short.

Continue reading My 2018 Reading Challenge Recap

My 2017 Reading Challenge Recap

Every year, I participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge, and sometimes in more specific challenges, in addition to my personal reading goals. Last year was the first time I wrote up a recap of how well I met my goals. The end of 2016 was a triumphant time for me: it was the first time I had met my Goodreads Reading Challenge since starting college. This year, I got a little too ambitious and fell somewhat short of my goal. But overall, I would still count 2017 as a success.

Continue reading My 2017 Reading Challenge Recap

My 2016 Reading Challenge Recap

Good news—I just completed my 2016 Goodreads Reaching Challenge! This year, I set myself what I thought was a rather moderate goal: to read 50 books over the course of the year. Though in my high school years I think I could have easily surpassed that number, I’d been repeatedly falling short the last two or three years of doing the challenge because college really cut into my reading time. Ironically, I read far fewer books while studying to be an English major, but that’s what happens when you spend an entire semester reading War and Peace… Now, for my first full year after graduating, I’ve been truly taking advantage of the opportunity to read whatever I want again. And of course, having a book blog to write for weekly has certainly spurred me on.

A peek at the books I've read this year for the 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge
A peek at the books I’ve read this year for the 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge

Continue reading My 2016 Reading Challenge Recap